The Banque centrale du Luxembourg (BCL) assumes responsibility for various crucial tasks, including the meticulous collection of data, the compilation of monetary and financial statistics, oversight of the balance of payments and the international investment position, and the generation of statistics pertaining to payment systems and instruments.

Thanks to the BCL reporting, the BCL compile monetary and financial statistics, the BCL directly acquires pertinent data from entities such as banks, money market funds, financial companies, investment funds, securitization vehicles, and insurance corporations. These institutions operate under the regulatory framework of the European Central Bank, as communicated through BCL circulars directly disseminated to them.

Collaborating with the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (STATEC), the national statistical institute of Luxembourg, the BCL jointly undertakes the task of establishing the balance of payments. Additionally, the BCL singularly manages the establishment of Luxembourg’s international investment position. To accomplish these objectives, the BCL collects statistical data from banks, the financial services of POST Luxembourg, and financial companies, adhering to the regulations set forth by the Banque centrale du Luxembourg.

In the domain of payment instruments and operations, the BCL enforces a regulation applicable to entities engaged in payments. This group currently includes credit institutions, payment institutions, e-money institutions, technical agents, and market infrastructures. The data collection process is intricately tied to the regulatory framework established by the Banque centrale du Luxembourg.


The data can be populated into Excel templates designed to meet the specific BCL reporting requirements of the BCL.
The solution incorporates validation checks to ensure data accuracy and compliance with reporting standards.
An user-friendly interface within Excel enhance the user experience for those involved in the reporting process.
Automation features, such as automatic filing, can further streamline the reporting workflow.
By leveraging Excel’s familiarity and flexibility alongside robust automation, this solution ensures efficiency, accurate and timely reporting.

    Robust controls are in place to prevent errors or omissions.


    The solution is easy for users to understand and use, with clear instructions and intuitive interfaces.

  3. XML

    Easily import and export BCL reports in XML format with the proper naming convetion.


    Optionally, we can do the secure filing to the authorities and the feedback fellowship. (No E-file SOFiE or Luxtrust needed)


    Free, adequate support and helpdesk.

What is BCL reporting?

The Luxembourg Central Bank (BCL) is responsible for collecting monetary and financial statistical data from banking and financial institutions, such as banks, investment funds and insurance companies.

The statistical BCL report aims to provide the BCL with a comprehensive overview of Luxembourg’s financial system and support the development of macroeconomic statistics for the country.

Security by security reporting, on the other hand, refers the reporting of detailed information on individual securities held by financial institutions. This includes data on the issuer, type of security, maturity, interest rate, and other relevant characteristics.

BCL reports are mandatory requirements for financial institutions operating in Luxembourg. The BCL uses the data collected through these reporting requirements to monitor the health and stability of the financial system, assess risks and vulnerabilities, and make informed decisions about monetary policy.

What is the frequency of the financial companies’ reports?

The last day of each quarter should be the reference date for the establishment of the quarterly statistical reports :

  • S2.16 «Quarterly statistical balance sheet of financial companies »
  • S2.17 «Quarterly information on all transactions of financial companies ».
  • S1.3 & S2.13 «Statistical balance sheet for investment funds»
  • S1.6 «Information on valuation effects on the balance sheet for non-monetary investment funds»
  • S2.14 «Quarterly statistical balance sheet of securitisation vehicles»
  • S2.15 «Transactions and write-offs/write-downs on securitised loans of securitisation vehicles»
  • S2.18 «Quarterly statistical balance sheet of insurance corporations – Luxembourg entity»
  • S2.19-L «Information on valuation effects on the balance sheet of insurance corporations – Luxembourg entity»
  • S4.3-L «Annual Premiums, claims and commissions of insurance corporations – Luxembourg entity»

The last day of each month should be the reference date for establishing the monthly security by security (TPTIBS, TPTOBS, TPTASS, TPTTBS) reports.

What is the threshold for BCL reporting?

The BCL foresees a threshold on exemption based on total balance sheet. Currently, the threshold amount is fixed to 500 million Euros or the equivalent amount in foreign currency.

Which financial companies should be reported?

A reportable financial company is every company whose object contains at least one of these factors detailed below:

  • The investment in any society for any kind of investment.
  • The acquisition by subscription, purchase, exchange or any other way of securities, shares and other equity investments, bonds, receivables, certificates of deposits and other debt instruments and generally all financial instruments issued by a public or private entity.
  • To invest directly or indirectly in the acquisition and management of a real estate portfolio, of patents or other intellectual property rights, whatever the nature or the origin.
  • To borrow in any form
  • To lend funds to his shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliated companies, and/or any other entity.

Which funds should be reported?

  • The undertakings for collective investment (UCI) governed by the law of 17 December 2010.
  • The specialised investment funds (SIF) governed by the law of 13 February 2007.
  • The investment companies in capital risk (SICAR) governed by the law of 15 June 2004.
  • The Luxembourg’s non-regulated alternative investment funds, managed by a Luxembourg or foreign alternative investment funds manager, fulfil the criteria of article 1(39) of the law of 12 July 2013 and that are not exempted from the BCL reporting.