AIFMD reporting Luxembourg

Last Updated on June 13, 2024 by Arnaud Collignon

In the CSSF press release dated 22/09/2023, alternative investment fund managers were informed about new submission methods for AIFM reporting.

Starting from 02/11/2023, reports can be transmitted directly to the CSSF via an API interface (S3 technology). Alternatively, from 31/01/2024, reports can be submitted through the dedicated eDesk platform, both free of charge. It was also announced that the use of external transmission channels for these reports will cease on 30 June 2024.

As a reminder, from 1 July 2024:

  • Only the API (S3) channel or the eDesk procedure will be authorized for AIFM reporting submissions.
  • Any reports submitted via the old external transmission methods will not be processed by the CSSF.

Fund XP is up & running on the CSSF S3 system. Allowing instant AIFMD Annex IV filing to the CSSF.

Discover our AIFMD reporting solution: