You are currently viewing CSSF AIFMD FAQ
Regulatory Reporting solutionS


Last Updated on May 14, 2024 by Arnaud Collignon

The following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) aim at highlighting some of the key aspects of
the AIFMD regulation from a Luxembourg perspective. The FAQs are therefore primarily
addressed to managers of alternative investment funds (AIFMs) and alternative investment funds
(AIFs) that are established in Luxembourg.

The present FAQs are to be read in conjunction with the questions and answers ESMA has
published with respect to the application of the AIFMD Regulation. These questions and answers,
which will also be updated from time to time, are available on the following website:

This document will be updated from time to time and the CSSF reserves the right to alter its
approach to any matter covered by the FAQs at any time. You should regularly check the website
of the CSSF in relation to any matter of importance to you to see if questions have been added
and/or positions have been altered.


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